Thursday, March 20, 2008

Grab those clubs

Spring sports of all kinds "officially" started last weekend. Unfortunately, it rained here in the San Francisco Bay Area, which put a "damper" on many of the activities...but not on the enthusiasm of the kids.

Getting out and hitting a bucket of balls at the driving range was the most activity I could manage, spending most of my time catching up on a bit of painting from  previous weeks photo sessions. Since I've been painting more than golfing, that's the area that's gotten most of my attention. Of course, it was apparent at the driving range that the winter "lay-off" had not magically been the "cure" for my generally less than spectacular shots. What did bring a smile to my face was noticing how many more kids had accompanied their parents to the range.

I hope the trend continues, because getting the kids pictures at the driving range is much easier than on a course.

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